Governor’s STEM Scholars

Introducing high-achieving STEM students to New Jersey’s vast STEM economy in order to retain talent in the State.

A free, statewide STEM education initiative for New Jersey students in grades 10 through the Ph.D. level, the Governor’s STEM Scholars program brings together a diverse group of high school and post-secondary student leaders each year to introduce them to the myriad STEM opportunities in academia, industry, and government that New Jersey has to offer.

Through a series of four symposia held during the academic year, as well as trips to STEM organizations across the State, Governor’s STEM Scholars interact closely with STEM professionals, research organizations, and policymakers. The program offers mentoring opportunities along with personal and professional networking connections that greatly enrich the students’ academic and professional careers. The program also supports New Jersey’s economic development by growing the state’s STEM talent and workforce pipeline.

Governor’s STEM Scholars is a public-private partnership among the Research & Development Council of New Jersey, New Jersey Governor’s Office, Department of Education, Office of the Secretary of Higher Education, research institutions, and private industries. For more information, please visit